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  • New House Granted Planning Permission

    Pembroke have been granted planning permission for a new replacement house.  The owner had a previous scheme refused prior to our involvement and working with the project team, Pembroke were able to develop a strategy which demonstrated the benefits of the proposed scheme.  This  was agreed with by Officers and approved under delegated powers.

  • Passive House Plus Granted Planning Permission

    Pembroke have been granted planning permission for a contemporary house in a conservation area.  Working alongside the new owners, Pembroke provided advice prior to purchase and once secured, managed the planning process from pre-application stage through to securing planning permission.  The replacement house has been designed to Passive House Plus standard, meaning it would use…

  • Appeal Success

    We were approached by a client following the refusal of planning permission to convert a single dwelling into apartments in West London.  Reviewing all background documents it was clear that we needed to demonstrate that the property hadn’t been artificially extended and that this was a unique property which met all relevant criteria within the…

  • Greyhound Lane

    Permission secured for mixed use scheme

    Planning permission has been granted for a mixed use retail, commercial and residential scheme.  Our involvement started prior to the client purchasing the site to understand what could be achievable.  Once purchased, we compiled and worked with a team of consultants to first undertake a pre-application discussion and then a formal planning application.  Planning permission…

  • Permission secured for flexible use

    Acting on behalf of the owner of a mixed use building just off Oxford Street in central London, Pembroke secured planning permission for a flexible use at basement and ground floor level for either a A3 restaurant and/or a D2 gym.  Whilst a gym occupier had been identified, the permission which was granted by Westminster…

  • Permission secured for replacement house in Conservation Area

    Pembroke won a recent planning appeal regarding the demolition and replacement of a property within a conservation area.  Whilst the Council maintained the property made a positive contribution to the conservation area relying on the assessment made within the their published Conservation Area Character Appraisal, the Council did not assess the current condition of the…

  • Permission secured for contemporary extension to listed property

    Planning permission granted for a contemporary extension to this Grade II Listed Manor House which includes a light weight glazed structure connected to a two storey garage with ancillary accommodation.  The contemporary two storey extension will have intricate brick detailing to reflect the quality of the host property.  The listed status and position within a…

  • New House in Conservation Area

    Pembroke were brought into this project by Adam Architecture after the client team received a pre-application response from the Local Planning Authority confirming that they would not support the demolition of the existing property which was identified within the Conservation Area Appraisal as being a positive building.  Having undertaken an assessment and advised the client…

  • Enforcement Appeal Success

    Pembroke became involved in an enforcement appeal at the point where the Local Planning Authority served an Enforcement Notice regarding alterations that had taken place to a property.  Given the tight timings of enforcement appeals Pembroke quickly collated a consultant team and managed the planning appeal process.  The Planning Inspector accepted the planning case made…

  • Appeal Success

    Planning permission was won at appeal together with a full costs awarded against the Council for a scheme involving the total demolition of a house within a conservation area.  The Planning Inspectorate found that the fall-back position presented at appeal was a material consideration and one which the Council failed to consider.  Having regard to…