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  • Clarification required for retirement living

    Whilst the House of Lord Select Committee sought to clarify the position on retirement living, the Mayor takes the opposite stance. The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC) has been directed by the Deputy Mayor for Planning, Regeneration and Skills to refuse planning permission for a 142 extra care scheme in Kensington Square citing…

  • New Permitted Development Rights

    The government has recently published their response to their consultation titled “Planning Reform – Supporting the high street and increasing the delivery of new homes” Following their consultation document the government is now proposing to bring forward regulations to introduce a new permitted development right to allow shops (A1), financial and professional services (A2), hot…

  • Planning permission Granted for 21 unit scheme

    Pembroke secured planning permission for a developer in Aylesford on the banks of the River Medway, Kent for a scheme of 21 new residential units.  The permission involved negotiation with the Environment Agency, Kent Highways and also Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council (TMBC).  TMBC granted planning permission without any financial contribution or affordable housing.

  • Build to Rent

    The construction of Built to Rent units increased by nearly 40% between 2017 and 2018. According to research commission by the British Property Federation (BPF), equates to 43,374 build-to-rent homes under construction compared to 31,250 at the end of 2017. The number of homes completed increased by 29 per cent between Q4 in 2017 and Q4…

  • Government to consult on extended permitted development

    The Government have launched a consultation setting out proposals for permitted development rights to support the high street including allowing greater flexibility for change of use, extending buildings upwards to create new homes and removing the permitted development right for telephone kiosks and associated advertising consent. In addition, there are proposals to increase the height…

  • Appeal Success

    Pembroke were successful at appeal in connection with the substantial demolition of a house within a conservation area. Having been refused planning permission by the local planning authority due to the potential harm caused to the conservation area through the loss of the building the Inspector agreed with the case we put forward.

  • Appeal Success

    Pembroke were successful at appeal in convincing the Secretary of State that unauthorised works already carried out to a property within a conservation area did not harm the character and appearance of the conservation area.